San Bernardino Community College District Facilities Use Procedures - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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Updated: August 2022

The type of event determines the procedure for authorizing use of District’s facility. Authority for use of District facilities is directed by Board Policy and Administrative Procedure 6700.

Facilities Use Office Contact Information

Contact the Facilities Use Office for questions about these procedures.

San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC)

Facility Use Office: 909-384‐8906

Crafton Hills College (CHC)

Facility Use Office: 909-389‐3217

SBCCD Business Services:

Facilities Use Office: 909-388‐6958

Facility Use Procedures

These procedures are organized into four categories based upon the type of event and origin of the request:

  1. Requests from the Community to use District Facilities (Including vendors)
  2. Internal District/Campus Events
  3. District/Campus Sponsored Events
  4. Free Speech Events/Demonstrations

1. Requests from the Community to use District Facilities

Use of District Facilities by the Community requires a Community Facility Use Agreement. The “Community” includes any individual, business (including vendors), organization, group, school, or board outside of the authority of the San Bernardino Community College District, including employees of the District who request the use of District facilities for personal use. Requests for use can be made using the following procedures:

  • Obtain and fill out the Community Facilities Use Application.

    A completed Community Facilities Use Application constitutes the contract for use. This form can be obtained through the Campus Facilities Office (see contact information above).
    The Facilities Office will verify the availability of the requested space and calculate the rental fee.

  • Provide a Certificate of Insurance:

    A certificate of insurance is required from the requesting entity and must list the San Bernardino Community College District as an additional insured with the limits acceptable to the District as required by Administrative Procedure 6700.

  • Pay the Rental Fees:

    CONTACT THE APPROPRIATE FACILITIES OFFICE FOR CURRENT FACILITY RENTAL RATES (Reference contact information above). Fees will be calculated by the Facilities Office. Fees must be paid with the submission of the Community Facility Use Application or upon acceptance of the application. Fair rental or direct cost fees will be assessed in accordance with AP6700 at the current rates. Direct costs are the costs of supplies, utilities, custodial services, services of any other District employees, and salaries paid to District employees necessitated by the organization’s use of District facilities. Groups or organizations that qualify to be assessed direct costs are identified in Ed Code 82542(a). Any authorization to deviate from AP6700, such as a waiver of fees or charging of direct cost in lieu of the fair rental value, requires manager and Board approval prior to approval of the event.
  • Submission:

    Send completed Community Application, certificate of insurance, and fee payment to the appropriate Facilities Department for processing and approval.

    Incomplete submissions will be returned.

2. Internal District/Campus Events

This section applies to Campus non‐academic events, meetings, or activities.

  • Submit an Online Facility Use Request:
    This online form is used to schedule facilities for non‐classroom events or meetings on campus. Complete a Facilities Use Request at:
    For SBVC go to: Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services — San Bernardino Valley College
    For CHC go to: Facilities Use
    • Complete Facility Use Request forms at least two weeks prior to the event. Last minute requests will be approved only for emergencies.
    • All information must be included on the Facility Use Request form or attached memos. Do not send separate memos to departments. If corrections need to be made to your original Facility use Request, make these corrections through the Facility Use Office (see contact information above). Corrections to the original form cannot be made with less than one week notice.
    • Cancellations need to be made at least three days prior to the events. If cancellation is not made three days prior to the event, you will be charged a set‐up fee based on the costs required for set‐up and dismantle.
  • Internal District Events with Invited Guests/Vendors: If the activity is an internal event where multiple vendors are invited (example, job fair, science fair, health fair, or other event) a mutual hold harmless agreement from each vendor, organized with a cover page listing all the vendors, and submitted to the Facility Office at least 30 days prior to the event for submission to the District Business Services Office.
  • Speakers: If the event includes an outside speaker and the speaker is being paid, a Performance Speaker Agreement must be completed and submitted to the Business Services office (reference the contract check list). If the speaker is not being paid and the public is invited, a mutual hold harmless from the speaker is required. Note: This provision does not include guest speakers in the classroom. Classroom speaker arrangements are directed by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4320.
  • Food Prepared on Campus: If food is being prepared to be sold or given away on campus, the person handling food items must have a county food workers certification unless the food items are pre‐packaged (i.e., chips, canned soda). Proof of the certification must be submitted with the completed On‐Campus Facilities Use form. If food prepared on campus is to be sold to the non‐campus community, a San Bernardino County health permit is required.
  • If the activity is associated with a campus event, the event’s board approval date is required. (Note: The event must be approved by the board prior to any facility use being granted. These processes will usually require three months prior to the event to get all approvals completed.)
  • Please send all required documents and information to the appropriate Facility Use office. They will review all documents for completeness and forward any required document to the Business Services office for signature. (Any facilities use forms missing any of the information listed above will be returned without being processed or the facility being reserved)

3. District/Campus Sponsored Events

District sponsored events are student club activities, and meetings, fairs, events, athletic competitions or camps, or other events. These may be college‐lead events with include invited vendors/presenters/guests or events directed by an outside entity, individual, school, or municipality that the campus desires to host at little or no cost for outreach or relational purposes that directly promote the College’s mission.

  • Complete and submit a Contract Employee Authorization for Sponsored Event Form:

    This form must be filled out by the Campus office, club*, or employee sponsoring the event. The form must be approved by the responsibility center manager/club sponsor and Administrative Services. In addition, the sponsor must submit a Facilities Use Request by following the process outlined above for internal Campus events. The sponsorship form is required prior to the approval of a Facilities Use Request.
    *The Student Club Sponsor is required to be present at Club sponsored activities.
  • College‐lead events involving multiple vendors/presenters (example, job fair, science
    fair, health fair, advocacy event, etc.) the following documents are required:
    • On‐Campus Facilities Use form submitted by the sponsoring office
    • Submit to District Business Services at least 30 days prior to the event as a complete packet:
      • Cover list of all vendors (No last‐minute add‐ons will be accepted).
      • Mutual hold harmless agreement from each vendor/presenter
      • Certificate of insurance from each vendor/presenter
  • Rental Fees:

    If costs are incurred to host the event but will not be charged, the approval of the VP of Administrative Services is also required.
  • Mutual Hold Harmless and Certificate of Insurance:

    The Campus‐sponsored group(s), invited vendor(s), or organization(s) must submit a signed mutual hold harmless agreement and a certificate of insurance acceptable to the District prior to the event (Campus Clubs excepted). For minor participants, parental permission and release of liability is required (proof of parental permission may be held by the organization using the facility).

4. Free Speech Events/Demonstrations

Free speech events and demonstrations are permissible under the provisions and requirements of Board Policy 3900 and Administrative Procedure 3900.

Information on the use of District facilities as a public forum is outlined in the referenced policy and procedures.

Cancellation Notice

Be advised of the remote possibility that the requested facility may be required for use, on short notice, by the College’s instructional program or emergency. We will take every reasonable measure to guarantee that the facility will be available as scheduled.

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